McGraw-Hill Education (Asia) Core Prıncıples And Applıcatıons Of Corporate Fınance 3E - Mcgraw-Hill Education (Asia)
Corporate Finance: Core Principles and Applications, 3rd edition, by Ross, Westerfield, Jaffe and Jordan was written to convey the most important corporate finance concepts and applications at a level that is approachable to the widest possible audience. The concise format, managerial context and design, and student-friendly writing style are key attributes to this text. RWJJ Core Principles strikes a balance by introducing and covering the essentials, while leaving more specialized topics to follow-up courses. This text distills the subject of corporate finance down to its core, while also maintaining a decidedly modern approach. The well-respected author team is known for the clear, accessible presentation of material that makes this text an excellent teaching tool. ----This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
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