600,00 TL
Kitap Formatı: Ciltsiz
Kargo Bilgileri
Standart Teslimat
13 Mart Perşembe kargoda
Ürün Özellikleri
İmzalı Kitap
John L. EspositoKitap Formatı
CiltsizBasım Dili
İngilizceİlk Baskı Yılı
2010Kitap Seti
HayırÜrünün Kampanyaları
Transnational religious and faith-based movements play crucial roles in peacebuilding with their strong faith-based motivation, long term commitment, religious, spiritual and moral authority and ability to facilitate constructive social relations between different groups of population. It is not religion itself that is influential, but rather the ways in which it has been interpreted and practiced that is influential in religion's orientation toward radicalism, violence, conflict resolution and peacebuilding. Thus, it is necessary to elaborate upon what Islam and Muslims have to say about peacebuilding. The exploration of the contributions to this volume is made with regards to the title in hand by the thought and practice of the global movement associated with the Turkish Muslim scholar Fethullah Gülen. Gülen is described in this volume as "border transgressor" between East and West. Gülen's discourse is analyzed and contextualized along with a detailed analysis of intercultural dialogue in his theology and thought. Contributors also observe Gülen's discourse in action and its impact in different actual settings. The importance and distinctiveness of teaching of Gülen and the practice of the movement is that it is rooted in a confident Turkish Islamic heritage while being fully engaged with modernity. It offers the possibility of a contextualized renewal for Muslims in the modern world while being fully rooted in the teachings of the Qur'an and the practice of the Prophet. It advocates the freedom of religion while positively contributing to the wider society based on a commitment to service of others.
İnce Kapak:
Sayfa Sayısı: 358
Baskı Yılı: 2011
Sayfa Sayısı: 291
Baskı Yılı: 2010
Dili: İngilizce
Yayınevi: Blue Dome Press
Katkıda Bulunanlar
Yazar:John L. Esposito
Editör:İhsan Yılmaz
Editör:İhsan Yılmaz
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600,00 TL