200,00 TL
Kitap Formatı: Ciltsiz
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13 Mart Perşembe kargoda
Ürün Özellikleri
İmzalı Kitap
Edgar WallaceKitap Formatı
CiltsizBasım Dili
İngilizceİlk Baskı Yılı
2016Kitap Seti
HayırÜrünün Kampanyaları
The hush of the court, which had been broken when the foreman of the jury returned their verdict, was intensified as the Judge, with a quick glance over his pince-nez at the tall prisoner, marshalled his papers with the precision and method which old men display in tense moments such as these. He gathered them together, white paper and blue and buff and stacked them in a neat heap on a tiny ledge to the left of his desk. Then he took his pen and wrote a few words on a printed paper before him. Another breathless pause and he groped beneath the desk and brought out a small square of black silk and carefully laid it over his white wig. Then he spoke: "James Meredith, you have been convicted after a long and patient trial of the awful crime of wilful murder. With the verdict of the jury I am in complete agreement. There is little doubt, after hearing the evidence of the unfortunate lady to whom you were engaged, and whose evidence you attempted in the most brutal manner to refute, that, instigated by your jealousy, you shot Ferdinand Bulford.
(Tanıtım Bülteninden)
Sayfa Sayısı: 300
Baskı Yılı: 2016
Dili: İngilizce
Yayınevi: Literart Yayınları
Katkıda Bulunanlar
Yazar:Edgar Wallace
Katkıda Bulunan:Cenk Kayakuş,İlker Balkan
Katkıda Bulunan:Cenk Kayakuş,İlker Balkan
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200,00 TL