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2021Kitap Seti
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Tümü (3)James F. Cooper was a 19th century American novelist, best-known far the ‘Leatherstocking Tales' including ‘The Last of the Mohicans', vvhich is extensively regarded as his masterwork. His historical romances of frontier and Indian life in the early American days fashioned an inimitable type of American literatüre. Before he took to nriting, he functioned as a Midshipman in the U.S. Navy; the experiences of which were seen in a number of his works and novels. Although many of his works were enjoyed by a number of people of his time, there were a few sections of society, who condemned his works for his approach. Some of his otherimportantMorks incinde ‘The Prairie', ‘Notions oftheAmericans', ALetter to his Countrymen', ‘The American Democrat', and ‘The Pathfinder' and many more. At the time of his demişe, he was more respected overseas than in his own nation. He was out of sync with his countrymen; but he went on to influence numerous European writers like Leo Tolstoy and Honore de Balzac. His works often played on bigoted, didactic and romantic themes.
In 1826, he authored the ‘Last of the Mohicans', which is considered to be his masterpiece and became one of the most widely read novels of the 19th century. The sameyear, he moved to Europe in the pursuit of a betler life for his children.
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